As we indicated previously, we decided to take the St. Baldrick's Event Success as an indication that we need to continue to highlight and remember Harper in a meaningful way that helps kids with cancer. To that end, we decided to pursue establishing a non-profit organization, named Hope From Harper, to fund childhood cancer research and support improvements in the care childhood cancer patients and their families receive.
After some discussion and consideration we asked David Elster to join Melissa and I as the starting 3 Board Members for Hope From Harper. We also asked Betty Collins, mother of our good friend since high school Nicola Jackson, to join us as the organization's Treasurer. Betty bring years of accounting experience to the table and we are so happy to welcome her as an officer of the organization.
For clarity and transparency, here is the initial make-up of the organization (as filed in all of our official documents):
- Brian Wehneman - Board Chair and Executive Director
- Melissa Wehnemen - Board Member and Secretary
- David Elster - Board Member and Director of Community Outreach
- Betty Collins - Treasurer
We wanted to start with a small and lean organization but we anticipate that we will have many others who have stood by us and supported us throughout the last 2 years who will also play major roles in the success of Hope From Harper.
As of April 7th, 2015 Hope From Harper Inc has been officially incorporated in the State of Indiana as a non-profit corporation. We have also applied for and received an Employer Identification Number (EIN) and have submitted our application to receive tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
An interesting point about applying for tax-exemption with the IRS is, once approved, it will be retroactively applied to the date of establishment of the organization (April 7, 2015) since we applied within 27 months of the organization being created. What that means is that we expect that any gifts made to Hope From Harper between April 7th and when we receive our tax-exempt approval letter should be considered tax-exempt and thus tax-deductible. So, we are now able to start to accept donations with the expectation that those donations will receive tax-exempt treatment.
Of course we do not expect Hope From Harper to exist and flourish on simply direct donations alone (though ANYONE is welcome to give <wink wink>) so we have several ideas for fundraising events that you will be hearing more about in the future. Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't provide some sort of a teaser:
- It's Midnight Somewhere
- White and Gold
- Bourbon and Baldricks
We anticipate having some Hope From Harper merchandise available as well, including a new Hope From Harper shirt, silicone bracelets, and more.
It is an exciting time, but we know we can't do it alone. If you are moved to volunteer, in whatever capacity you can, we invite you to get in touch with us. Please email your interest to with your contact information and how you are interested in helping.
And of course, if you wish to donate directly (which we would so much appreciate) you can click the link below. If you do not wish to use PayPal or credit card online, you may also mail checks or money orders to:
Hope From Harper
PO Box 565
Georgetown, IN 47122
All donations will receive a receipt via email or snail-mail for tax records.
Again, a HUGE thank you to everyone who has helped support us to get us this far. We really feel this is the beginning of something big, and want to ensure that Harper's legacy becomes a force to do good and help kids and their families affected by cancer. We need ever-improving care and ultimately a cure.
If you're reading this - YOU are part of the solution.
- Brian (Harper's Dad)
If you're reading this - YOU are part of the solution.
- Brian (Harper's Dad)
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