About Hope From Harper

Harper Wehneman was a beautiful, high-spirited and loving little girl who was diagnosed in May 2013 with Stage 4 Wilms Tumor, a relatively rare childhood cancer.

For 18 months, Harper endured aggressive treatment with chemotherapy, radiation and stem cell transplantation.  Throughout her journey she remained steadfastly happy and joyous, embracing the life she was able to live. She continued to love and bring joy and happiness to those who had even the pleasure to simply be in her presence for a few moments.

Harper passed away in December 2014 due to severe complications experienced during her second stem cell transplant. Her friends and family, while devastated by her loss, recognized that Harper, regardless of any circumstance, always chose to be happy and joyful.

Inspired by Harper's beautiful spirit, those who love her have committed to #choosejoy instead of sadness and endeavor to bring hope to other children and their families who face similar adversity.

To that end, the Hope From Harper community supports childhood cancer research - raising funds and elevating awareness - and looks for opportunities to improve the physical and emotional care received by childhood cancer patients.

Hope From Harper Inc
PO Box 565
Georgetown, IN 47122

Contact us via email : info@hopefromharper.com 

Hope From Harper is a non-profit 501 (c)3 organization, IRS identification number 47-3653906. Donations made to Hope From Harper are tax deductible in the U.S.